Remote medical monitoring platform

You are a healthcare facility and want to know how to :
A comprehensive caregiver portal

An adapted patient smartphone application

Facilitated remote patient monitoring for healthcare facilities

Remote monitoring management
- Graduated alerts
- Prioritization of patients requiring action
- Exportable report (pdf)
Care pathway editor
- Autonomy in the creation of your pathways (multi-pathologies)
- Questionnaires with scores, instructions, advice, coaching, appointments, data from connected objects
- Insertion of images, pdf files or videos
- Quick and easy assignment of a pathway to a patient
- Integrated messaging (add photos or documents)
- SMS reminders and reminders
- Videophony with the patient
- Transmissions between caregivers
Integration with your IT environment
- Import of patients from your GAP (respect for identity surveillance)
- Export of remote monitoring reports to your DPI
- Possibility of strong integration (bi-directional flow RDV, export of transmissions, etc.)
Compliance with regulations
- CE marking class I (IIa in progress)
- Ségur du Numérique referencing to come